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Wu Jianjun吴建军_Man with a bare foot, 2012, Oil on canvas布面油画 130x80cm.jpg

Wu Jianjun 吴建军

"Wu Jianjun’s work depicts human psychological hardships. The powerful brush work reflects the fierce conflicts of the wretched soul and spirit confronted by the alienating modern life." (Wei Xing)

Wu Jianjun (1966-2021) has been painting images of people for over ten years. The paintings are mostly in the form of portraiture or landscape and draw inspirations frequently from the artist himself and the people around him. He focuses on the human body and its emotional, behavioural, and psychological dimensions, and explores the subtle relationship between formal qualities and the nature of oil paint. His works do not follow any dogma, nor do they intend to explain or narrate, instead, they aim to present the liveliness of human nature with a vigorous painting language.

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