#occupyBMCA is a new format of interventions at BMCA Storage.
The first invited artist is Bianca Regl to show her new series of "Snyders Cherries" on our designated #occupy wall.
In Summer 2024, we followed an artist conversation with Bianca Regl on the occasion of the display of her works.

Bianca Regl, geboren 1980 in Linz, lebt und arbeitet in Beijing (CN) und Wien.
Seit 2010, Director BLACKBRIDGE OFF空间 / Beijing (CN); 2005‒2007 University of California, Los Angeles (US), Graduate Painting; 2003‒2005 Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hubert Schmalix, Figurative Malerei; 2002‒2003 Kunstuniversität Linz, Ursula Hübner, Malerei; 2001‒2002 Ateliers des Beaux-Arts, Paris (FR), François Maigret, Grafik und Druckgrafik.

“One on One” Performance at the BMCA Storage and Bianca Regls “Snyders Cherries” on the right, BMCA, 2024.